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Under The Window(창 아래서)

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Under The Window(창 아래서)
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    20 M
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-이 책은 영어 원서입니다.
-케이트 그린어웨이는 영국의 3대 그림책 작가(케이트 그린어웨이, 랜돌프 칼데콧, 월터 크레인)로 꽃과 어린이를 사랑하면서 그림책의 수준을 높인 작가로 평가받고 있습니다.
-1879년 처음 출간한 『Under The Window(창 아래서)』는 케이트 그린어웨이가 화가로서의 재능과 문학적인 소질을 발휘한 작품으로 다색 컬러 인쇄기를 사용, 다색 목판 작업으로 섬세함이 잘 살아있습니다..
-짧은 시와 단편적인 내용으로 구성되었으며, 소박하고 목가적인 풍경과 활기차고 귀여운 어린이 모습을 담아내는 케이트 그린어웨이의 우아한 화풍을 감상할 수 있습니다.
contents /p5
Under the window is my garden, /p13
Will you be my little wife, /p14
You see, merry Phillis, that dear little maid, /p15
Three tabbies took out their cats to tea, /p16
Little Fanny wears a hat /p17
"Margery Brown, on the top of the hill, /p18
Little wind, blow on the hill-top, /p19
Indeed, it is true, it is perfectly true; /p20
School is over, /p21
"Little Polly, will you go a-walking to-day?" /p22
I was walking up the street, /p23
Five little sisters walking in a row: /p24
In go-cart so tiny /p25
Some geese went out a-walking, /p26
You are going out to tea to-day, /p27
Poor Dicky's dead!-The bell we toll, /p28
Up you go, shuttlecocks, ever so high! /p29
Tommy was a silly boy, /p30
Higgledy, piggledy, see how they run! /p31
Which is the way to Somewhere Town? /p32
The boat sails away, like a bird on the wing, /p33
Pipe thee high, and pipe thee low, /p34
Polly's, Peg's, and Poppety's /p35
Bowl away! bowl away! /p36
"For what are you longing, you three little boys? /p37
O ring the bells! O ring the bells! /p38
Then ring the bells! then ring the bells! /p39
I saw a ship that sailed the sea, /p40
Yes, that's the girl that struts about, /p41
It was Tommy who said, /p42
"Shall I sing?" says the Lark, /p43
Little Miss Patty and Master Paul /p44
Yes, it is sad of them, /p45
Now, all of you, give heed unto /p46
What is Tommy running for, /p47
A butcher's boy met a baker's boy /p48
The twelve Miss Pelicoes /p49
Little baby, if I threw /p50
The finest, biggest fish, you see, /p51
Prince Finikin and his mamma /p52
Heigh ho!-time creeps but slow: /p53
My house is red-a little house, /p54
Three little girls were sitting on a rail, /p55
Ring the bells-ring! /p56

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